Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Final Part of the Legacy Guide

Combo Guide
During this section I’ll be talking about Legacy’s different combos while offering suggestions on how to play as him.
Combo # 1: “Legacy Ring” + “Motivational Charge”: This combo has already been brought up before so I won’t spend too much time here. Always play these two together. Always. If you’re using Standard Legacy then the first thing you need to do is use “Galvanize”. Doing this lets Legacy take advantage of his own power so that when you use “Motivational Charge” you’re dealing more damage.

Combo # 2: “Legacy Ring” + “Next Evolution” + “Lead From the Front”: This is the other big combo for Legacy. With Next Evolution out you’ll be able to pick whatever damage type you want to negate. Legacy Ring will lets you use Legacy’s base power in addition to Next Evolution so you don’t have to pick between the two. Lead From the Front lets Legacy take the damage that his allies would have normally taken.

For example, if Legacy chose “Melee” damage and “The Operative” attacks a different hero, you redirect the would-be damage to Legacy who then negates it.

  • Combo # 3: “Heroic Interception” + Damage Redirection: Heroic Interception is best played when combined with cards that redirect damage away from Legacy. Here are a few “redirection” cards that combo well with this card:

  • “Smoke Bombs”:
This is card redirects damage from the hero with the lowest HP. Once Legacy plays “Heroic Interception” he’ll be the only hero who can take damage. He will most likely be the hero with the lowest HP as a result. “Smoke Bombs” will protect his HP from getting too low since it will redirect toward a hero that’s already protected by “Heroic Interception”.

  • Alchemical Redirection:

“Alchemical Redirection” and “Indomitable Force” are two examples of cards that redirect damage away from Legacy onto a hero (either Scholar or Naturalist) that will be protected by the effect of “Heroic Interception”. It’s the same idea behind the “Smoke Bombs” strategy, except you don’t have to wait for Legacy to have the lowest HP out of all the heroes on your team.


Pros and Cons Recap: During this section I’ll be recapping the pros and cons to how Legacy plays.

  • Damage Buffs: Standard Legacy is AMAZING at maximizing your team’s damage output. This helps the players kill enemies faster and overcome damage reduction effects.
  • Extra Plays: WWII Legacy and Freedom Five Legacy can grant other heroes additional plays. Being able to use a power again, or play a card outside of their turn, grants other heroes access to different combos. Extra plays help bring villains down faster, too.
  • Filling Multiple Roles: No matter which version of Legacy you’re playing as, you’ll always have a hero who can do multiple different kinds of things: Extra plays, damage buff, additional card draw, team healing, tanking, etc. You name the role, and Legacy can most likely do it.

  • Lack of Ongoing or Environment Destruction: No matter who you fight, you will always have to deal with an environment. Environments by design are there to deal damage to both the player and the villain. Some environment cards can be very threatening to the player. As such, it is important to deal with these threats. The best Legacy can offer is that he won’t get damaged by the environment, which is at best a short term solution. Likewise, most villains will have ongoings that are among their most powerful cards. Getting rid of these ongoings is important, and unfortunately Legacy can’t do anything about these ongoings so you’ll have to rely on a different hero for that.
  • Lethal Self Inflicted Damage: Some villains in the game are capable of making heroes hurt themselves. Damage buffs are the last thing that you want in those scenarios. When that happens, damage buffs are used against you.
What’s worse is that there are some heroes whose decks primarily consist of cards that force them to deal themselves self-inflicted damage. In those cases Legacy’s damage buff actually work against the hero, meaning that there are some heroes who don’t work well with Legacy in the team. Fortunately, they are few and far between and since the player chooses who is on their team this can easily be avoided.

Overall: Legacy is one of the members of the “Triumvirate of Awesome”. The “Triumvirate of Awesome” is the name I’ve given to my three favorite Sentinels to play as in the entire game. It’s even gotten to the point where NOT using Legacy almost feels like a handicap.

He’s super simple to play as, but so incredibly effective that he’ll always be useful. I always find Legacy fun to play as because he can do just about everything, and he can do it well. He easily gets my vote for being one of the best Sentinels in the game and I always love using him.

1 comment:

  1. If your "Triumvirate" happens to consist of Legacy, The Wraith and Fanatic, then it would be a pretty close match for the "Trinity" of DC comics heroes, since Fanatic is about the closest thing SOTM has to Wonder Woman (though you really have to squint to see it, as the details are extremely different, unlike in the first two cases). I'm guessing that's probably not actually the case, since Fanatic is far from the best of heroes, but I thought I'd toss this thought out there, since I haven't read far enough in your blog to know yet who the other two members are. (Personally I would pick very different names if naming my three favorite and/or best heroes; I know the #1 in each of those categories, but haven't sat down to figure out exactly how to overlap or synergize them both into a single Top 3.)
