Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How To Play Sentinels of the Multiverse

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So first things first: What is Sentinels of the Multiverse? As explained before: 

"Sentinels of the Multiverse is a cooperative game in which players control heroes with powers and abilities in the form of cards. Two to five players control three to five heroes who must work together to defeat the villains and survive the dangerous environments in which the battles take place."

So basically, it's a game that you can either play by yourself, or play with friends where you are a team of super heroes. These super hero teams can be as low as 3 heroes or your team can be as many as 5 heroes. During this time you will be fighting against a super villain. 

The goal of the game is to reduce that super villain's HP to 0 before that villain reduces the HP of your entire team to 0. 


The last element of the game that you need in order to play is the Environment Deck. The Environment works similarly to how a stage operates in the Smash Bros franchise. Sometimes it can help you, sometimes it can hurt you.

Basic Overview
When it comes to Sentinels of the Multiverse there's a turn order the game follows:

  • The Villain Goes First
  • The Heroes Go Second  
  • The Environment Goes Last

When it's the heroes (aka the players) turn there's a certain order to how the player is supposed to play the game. For the sake of simplicity I'll let the game designers do the explaining:

Hero turns have three phases: Play a CardUse a Power, and Draw a Card.
1. Play a Card: You may take a card from hand and put it into play.
2. Use a Power: You may activate a Power from one of your cards in play.
3. Draw a Card: You may draw the top card of your Hero deck.
Note: If you neither Play a Card nor Use a Power, you may draw an extra card at the end of your turn.

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Another important element of the game come from the different card types this game frequently uses. Once again, to quote the website:

There are four primary types of cards: One-ShotsOngoingsEquipment, and Targets.

One-shots are played, have some sort of immediate effect, and then go to the trash. (Note: The "trash" is this game's term for the discard pile)

Ongoing and Equipment cards work the same, in that they come into play and stay in play, having some sort of ongoing effect or changing the way a character works. These cards can also be Limited, which merely means only one copy of that specific card can be in play at a time.

Targets are anything with HP. When a target is reduced to 0 or fewer HP, it is destroyed and goes to the Trash.


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"Powers": One element of this game is that each hero has an ability on their character card unique and innate to them. See the picture above. The character is known as "America's Newest Legacy" or "Legacy" for short. During the Power Phase that we just talked about Legacy can use "Atomic Glare" as listed on that card. "Atomic Glare" can deal 1 target (meaning one card that has HP) 3 damage. 

Hopefully this post helped you get at least the basics of how this game works. If you still have questions feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer your questions. 

Next time I will start writing guides on each of the heroes starting with one of my favorite heroes in the game: America's Finest Legacy.

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Sentinels of the Multiverse Introduction

Image result for sentinels of the multiverse card game

One of my favorite video games that I’ve come across recently is a game called “Sentinels of the Multiverse”. According to both the website and the video game:

“Sentinels of the Multiverse is a cooperative game in which players control heroes with powers and abilities in the form of cards. Two to five players control three to five heroes who must work together to defeat the villains and survive the dangerous environments in which the battles take place.” (Source:

Originally “Sentinels” started out as a “fixed deck card game”, but eventually it got its own video game (that you can buy on Steam for $10) and app. I was introduced to the game by my pal DRP. If you do not know who DRP is, he’s the guy in this picture who I bought Fire Emblem Echoes for.

He introduced me to Sentinels of the Multiverse and ever since then we’ve both been playing this game a lot. According to Steam I have over 1,500 hours logged into this game:

During that time DRP and I beat every villain on every difficulty setting using a variety of heroes. After beating this game so many times the next step was to set up a blog and share what we know about it.
Sentinels of the Multiverse is the kind of game that can be played 100 different times in 100 different ways. There’s a ton of variety and intricate strategy that makes this game so fun to play. 

Image result for sentinels of the multiverse card game

This blog will be about all things Sentinels of the Multiverse related. We’ll be writing guides to all the heroes, the villains and the environments. We’ll write down tips on how to beat even the most challenging villains and we’ll also do our part to teach you how to play the game.

For those of you Sentinels veterans who already have experience with this game feel free to chime in any comments, feedback, etc. If you’re hearing about Sentinels of the Multiverse for the first time then I hope that this blog will get you interested in a really fun game.